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Facts & Figures of North-Brabant

Some interesting Facts & Figures of North-Brabant, like number of campuses, venues and accommodations. They are all summed up here.

Inhabitants: 2 528 286
Surface: 5.081 km²
Business overnight stays: 1.670.000 (3rd province in the Netherlands) (CBS first 3 quarters 2018. 230 hotels)
Michelen Star restaurants: 18 restaurants (15 * | 3 **)
Universities: 2 (Eindhoven, Tilburg)
Campuses: 8 - Source Buck Consultants Int. (BCI)
Venues: > 500 from 10 – 10.000 delegates
Largest congress venue: 3000 delegates
Largest event venue: 44.000m2
Cafés: 7,4 per 10.000 inhabitants (source CBS)
Capital: ’s-Hertogenbosch
Biggest city: Eindhoven
Accommodations: 368 accommodations, 11652 rooms, 24516 sleeping places (source CBS 2018)

Cities of Brabant


227.100 inhabitants
29.548 students
164 restaurants (3 Michelin Star restaurants listed)
168 Bars & Cafes
29 Hotels (2480 rooms)


152.471 inhabitants
29.547 students
137 restaurants ( 2 Michelin Star restaurants listed)
112 bars &Cafes
24 hotels (700 rooms)


90.576 inhabitants
500 students
53 restaurants (1 Michelin Star restaurant listed)
67 bars & cafes
3 hotels (181 rooms)


220.000 inhabitants
30.000 students
129 restaurants (1 Michelin Star restaurant listed)
152 bars & cafés
10 hotels


183.765 inhabitants
20.000 students
129 restaurants (1 Michelin Star restaurant listed)
136 bars & cafes
25 hotels

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