
Nico Meyer

Nico Meyer CMM, CED is passionate about events. Especially the ones that add value to every stakeholder involved! That’s why he puts his 25+ years’ experience in the meeting industry (organizing, accommodating and facilitating conferences and events) to help clients create more effective meetings.  He consults on goalsetting and meeting design as well as proving effects through evaluations and effect measurements.

People, ideas, objectives, results, solutions; ‘bringing together’ is Nico’s objective. Being a skilled moderator allows him to do just that.

His personal desire to bring a better version of himself to the table every time, makes him always on the lookout to adept new developments, tools and methodologies (such as ROI Methodology, #EventCanvas and Lego Serious Play). And put them into practice to create value for clients and their events.

Nico will challenge us to work towards solutions for relevant association dilemmas. We will start building on topics such as “New Business Models”, “Membership retention” & “Member engagement”.

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