© Martin Hols
Category:Regional Convention Bureaus

Amsterdam Convention Bureau

The Amsterdam Convention Bureau is your dedicated partner and guide, ready to assist with organising impactful meetings, conferences and events within the Amsterdam area.

  • Personalised advice: Help find venues and accommodations matching your needs.
  • Enhanced bidding process: Help with creating compelling bid books.
  • Efficient site inspection planning & guidance: Organise on-site visits.
  • Citywide networking and collaboration: Connecting you to relevant partners.
De Ruyterkade 5
1013AA Amsterdam

How can we help

Amsterdam Convention Bureau is an expert partner supporting and empowering event planners to host successful and impactful events. We provide personalised, comprehensive assistance, such as venue and hotel sourcing, bid book creation, site inspection and visits, promotional materials support, and connecting you with local partners for diverse services and citywide collaboration.

Discover Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a city that thrives on innovation, collaboration and social connectivity. It is an ideal location for hosting events across varied industries such as food, tech and AI, life sciences and health, fintech and finance, and creative industries. Our team of experts are ready to introduce
you to Amsterdam, providing tailored solutions that cater to your event’s needs.


Amsterdam Convention Bureau

De Ruijterkade 5
1013AA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T +31(0)20 702 62 03
E [email protected]
W www.iamsterdam.com

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